Valda Lozenge
Derived from a French plant recipe
The French pharmacist Henri-Edmond Canonne (1867-1961) invented Valda Lozenge in 1902. He extracted the mint oil from menthol leaves and the essential oil from Eucalyptus leaves (1,8-cineole), thyme (thymol), and guaiacum to mix with the terpineol produced from pine trees; then, he added gelatin to the formulation of the five natural plants so as to make the ingredients released gradually and be absorbed slowly by breathing. In 1908, Valda Lozenge was very popular in Italy, and the green whirlwind swept through more than 30 countries; the expansion began with the establishment of a factory in Spain, then the production lines were established in Russia, the United Kingdom, Brazil, and Argentina; afterward, products have also been gradually spread to Asia and have become popular in the Philippines and Taiwan.