
Building Upon the Power of a Happy Heart

Anting Liu, the founder of the Teach for Taiwan (TFT), is on a mission to reduce educational inequality. Her foundation invests in training teachers and sending them to Taiwan's rural areas in order to provide a stronger educational environment. THL is a committed supporter of TFT, and believes that that our society can be improved through the power of the foundation’s positive energy and the happiness it creates.

“Education is a lifetime mission, and change is a lifetime commitment," is a belief adhered to closely by TFT.

"Education is a lifetime mission, and change is a lifetime commitment." Entering TFT’s Taipei office, one sees these words in white lettering on a pink wall, illuminated by LED lights. It’s a simple yet radiant message. It also reflects the spirit of TFT founder Anting Liu – a strong spirit that is both gentle and firm.

Liu was born in Taipei and grew up in Taichung. She received a full scholarship from a prestigious US Ivy League school. Volunteer experiences in Cambodia, Haiti and Ghana led her to decide to return to Taiwan in 2013 to establish a non-profit organization of her own. In 2016, Forbes’Asian edition selected Liu as one of the Asia’s 30 Under 30 young people.

In those early days she spoke eloquently in a TED speech on the theme of "Education starts from embracing generations." Now just 31 years old, she has already had a positive impact on the lives of many Taiwanese children.

"Every child in Taiwan, regardless of their starting point in life, should have the best opportunities for education and self-development." Talking about the gap in educational resources between Taiwan’s rural areas and its cities, Liu freely shares her clear and methodical approaches to improving conditions. Her desire to bring about change led her to found TFT.

TFT believes that through the efforts of good teachers, disadvantaged rural schools can be transformed into educational innovation bases.
A gentle and firm revolution within the system

In Taiwan’s rural areas, one encounters not only a shortage of teachers but also family environments that can be challenging. Liu stresses that some areas are in need not only of more teachers, but also teachers and leaders with special skills who can create change and become an important force for good in the lives of rural children.

“Crisis is a turning point.” TFT believes that good teachers can turn disadvantaged rural schools into educational innovation bases. Therefore, "solving the shortage of teachers in Taiwan's rural areas" is only part of the solution. TFT uses a rigorous selection mechanism to create a pool of diverse talent. This is followed by 500 hours of training and study, supplemented by three types of supervised group training: 1) technical aspects of education, 2) leadership, and 3) advanced expertise. After training is complete, the teachers are assigned to rural areas in Taiwan to be on the front lines of creating positive change.

“Change will surely bring innovative energy!” Smiling, Liu recalled the starting point for TFT in 2013, when they began with NT$2,000. Now, eight years later, they have benefited from donations from many sources, and have been able to send 269 teachers into the field. Each teacher receives a two-year assignment. To date, more than 6,000 students have benefited from this project.

Education: the public welfare investment with the highest return

Liu believes that education is the most effective area in terms of public welfare return on investment. "Almost all social problems are related to education. If you can create early positive change through education, you can make society better."

She also has unique insights into business models for non-profit organizations: "In the past, fundraising in Taiwan followed a simple concept of one-way giving. However, now we should think more in terms of cooperation and working together."

She further explained that the traditional concept has been one of “charity,” mostly related to showing good intentions. However, in modern times entrepreneurs with vision, such as Bill Gates, have transitioned to a concept of “philanthropy,” which goes beyond charity. "It’s more of an investment concept, not just giving money, but of investing in the public welfare and our communities.”

As a result, Liu generally relates to her donors as investors and partners, especially on the corporate side. "What matters most is not the amount itself, but how we can leverage and integrate capabilities, partnerships, and resources in order to achieve common goals together," Liu said.

TFT sends very talented people to rural areas, and ensures that each child is supported with love and professionalism.

"Education is a public welfare effort that generates the highest return on investment. Almost all social problems are related to education. If you can create early positive change through education, you can make society better." ~ (Teach For Taiwan, TFT)Founder Anting Liu

TFT believes that a good teacher is a good leader, and their positive influence extends beyond the classroom.
TFT and THL join hands to generate the power of happiness

TFT’s interaction with THL began in 2020 when Liu gave a speech. It was at this gathering that she first met THL General Manager Terence Chen. THL subsequently donated to TFT, and the two sides also developed a plan for future cooperation.

Jill Liu, Special Assistant to Chairman of the THL Group, said that THL has always been committed to being an enterprise that brings happiness to its consumers. "This donation to sponsor TFT gives us an opportunity to bring joy through education in remote rural areas. I can sense a great deal of positive energy from Anting, and I think she is very knowledgeable about the meaning and value of philanthropy,” she said. Speaking of the process of interacting with THL, Anting Liu noted that "Both Terence and Jill are very polite, and also willing to spend time listening and understanding us. I can feel they have a deep desire to help us, and this is very moving."

Anting Liu recently created an “Education CoLab” to help provide a bridge between corporate supporters and TFT. Liu has unlimited imagination for innovation. She looks forward to deeper cooperation with THL in the future, such as in the form of corporate talent exchanges. “Close cooperation such as this is a win-win for all involved and is value-creative. I look forward to opening up more possibilities with THL in the future!"

TFT trains its recruits extensively, and is able to provide high-quality teachers to rural primary schools.